hey you...yeah you...sup?...well i had problem...and i was actually thinking about stop blogging...
why?!...i'll tell you why?!
1)i had a fight with toota!! (the blog owner) but now it's solved!!;p
2)there is this blogger i really hate...madree he/she annoys me...so yeah ana shkoo feeh/a
tadroon is3a cham.. eeh it's 2:53...i feel so sleepy bas i'm not sleepy!! *thinks* well...i guess that doesnt make any scince...*farts* yeah...what?! :O WHAT?! what are you staring at...ufffff...it's not my prob if i'm too damn honest!!=p...okay...so it's 3:00 now!!;p
do you have any secrets?..i know you do...a9alan i dont believe anyone that say "i dont have a secret" well hunny WE DONT CARE...bas you know what we do know?! that your a damn LIER...yeah that's right!!uhhhaa..yeah!!
i hate this color the pinkish..purplish...color!!=/...yeah
6 years ago
Hmmmmm .. 1st post .. i wonder why ;p
dude...i'm bored
what is it with ppl hatin ppl these days?! :/
don't let the bloggin façade fool you.. ppl are usually much more different from their blogs..
i can't sleep either :(
@@!!! dudeee! u wont stop blogging:@!! LOOOOOL i think i know who the blogger u hate;p o why the hell u would stop becuz of him/her?:O:@!
a fight?:/ ouch!!
its not right to leave blogging just coz you hate one blogger!!
well have secrets =)
Aaaand what brought secrets to the post?:O
stop farting and burping :p:p WELL my secret is that I'am now almost one year studying none stop nor vacation holiday and ill be taking a second summer course which gonna be exactly a year:P:P what ya think:P no im not nerd
Malich sheghel eb toota :@
Who is that anway
Same here theres this bloggerra 7aratne. Mo ena chethe wejod'ha enarfez... SHES MEAN :@ kela takteb mean comments 7ag el nas o kela sracastic o efffff ..
shes mean.
it took you 7mins to write 3 line :O
im hapy the problem is solved :D
yeah...your prolly right!!;p bas madree laish some bloggers ma yinbal3oon!!;/
sleeping is becoming a big problem...
LOOOL...you do?!;$..hehehe..maybe you do!!;/ no not a fight...bas ina that blogger annoys me!!;/
i dont know about the secret thing!!;/...i think i was really bored!!;s
yeah...maybe..what is your secert?!!:O
i cant stop farting and burping!!;/...lol!!;p THAT'S GREAAT!!...3adii i was like you dont be stupid not every one that study is a nerd!!;p...and plus i know how you feel...u just wanna finish right?!;p
lol...who is toota?!;p
madree laish i think i know who your talking about...and if it's the same person!! then yes she's another blogger ily ma abla3ha!!;s wayed shayfa 3omerhaa ow yes she is mean!!;s...
LOOL 3 lines in 7 mins!!;s...yeah it's solved...bil qa9ib!!:$
5alha etwalee,nas ma 3ndha salfa,kel we7da o 7orra eb her blog,keep blogging ,a9lan
i found u funny with ur (:P) symbol everywhere ^^
3ashan other bloggers bit'hedeen blogger?? laykhaleenhum e2athroon 3alaich kishtay feehum.. better yet avoid reading their blogs!
Awww no no no no, don't you ever stop blogging hun!
THANXX!!;** you cheer me up my lil candy!! *pulls her cheeks and lets go* loool why do your cheeks look red?!=O;p
loool...i dont read il blogs maloothom bas they comment here!!=P...hehe ow that pisses me off li2na their comments piss me off!!;p u know what i'm saying!!;p
HEHEHHE!!=D i wont!!;p
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