well...i'm bored again..insy winsy spider climbing up the spout...Down came the rain and washed the spider out...tara btw..i'm trying to think of what i wanted to post!!=O Out came the sun and dried up all the rain Now Insy winsy spider went up the spout again....EEEEEH!
how do u remember words?!...lol the answer would be i dont freakin know!!=p well i have a soultion for yall!!...yes i'm serious...you see i'm a slow person ow i need to do weird stuff to remember stuff!!=p...
ok so look at this!!=p..
Etc: A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.
DUST: Mud with the juice squeezed out.
BOSS: Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early.
EMERGENCY NUMBERS: Police station, Fire Department and Places that deliver.
DIVORCE: Future tense of marriage.
EGOTIST: Someone who is usually me-deep in conversation.
SKELETON: A bunch of bones with the person scraped off.
DOCTOR: A person who kills your ills by pills.
CHICKENS: The only animals you eat before they are born and after they are dead.
YAWN: An honest opinion openly expressed.
well...that's not all of it..bas 5ift itmiloon fa i stopped!!=p hehehe
i think the colors explains explains how bored i am!!=s
how do u remember words?!...lol the answer would be i dont freakin know!!=p well i have a soultion for yall!!...yes i'm serious...you see i'm a slow person ow i need to do weird stuff to remember stuff!!=p...
ok so look at this!!=p..
Etc: A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.
DUST: Mud with the juice squeezed out.
BOSS: Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early.
EMERGENCY NUMBERS: Police station, Fire Department and Places that deliver.
DIVORCE: Future tense of marriage.
EGOTIST: Someone who is usually me-deep in conversation.
SKELETON: A bunch of bones with the person scraped off.
DOCTOR: A person who kills your ills by pills.
CHICKENS: The only animals you eat before they are born and after they are dead.
YAWN: An honest opinion openly expressed.
well...that's not all of it..bas 5ift itmiloon fa i stopped!!=p hehehe
i think the colors explains explains how bored i am!!=s
loooooool :p
seriously u create abbreviations in ur life or its only in the post to post something??
lol! abaaaaih the boss bit sooooo true!
loool 3ajeeeb ur dictionary:D
loooooooool i love this one:
DIVORCE: Future tense of marriage.
LOOOOOOOL 3aloooya you are so funny! I wanna stick around with you, I need lots of lots of laughter! My life is boring *YAWN*
interesting lol
LOOOL...that's for real!!=P
A Journal Entry
*hits anoony on the head*
female symphony
hehehe...glad you liked it!!;p
LOOOOL...and u think mines isnt?!;p...hehehe mine is really boring
Smaaart stuff! 7elo 7elo! ;p
i was just singing the spider song with my lil cousin for the past hour!
7ayatie wallah el malal mbd3 feech !!
wallah ana b3d zahgana huffff
hahahaha 7lwaa >>YAWN: An honest opinion openly expressed.<<< which is true (a)
la3ib feenii?!;p...hahaha;p...ila thab7nii!!;p
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