good morning bloggers...good morning anony and zawee!!;p
well i woke up this morning and i was thinking...UHHHMM what should i write for today...AND I CAME OUT WITH NOTHING!!;P
soo i'm just gonna make a talky talky about me
well as we all know this is TOOTA'S blog but i'm taking over it right?! RIGHT
well you see even though me and toota are friends but we are sooo different..yes diffrent we are the total oppiste of each other
here are a few point about me
1) i don't smoke
2) I HAD NEVER BEEN IN LOVE... why?! because kafee...and i'm COOL!!:P(HH) i'm being sarcastic...well, I HAVE A FEAR OF BOYS...well not every boy...only those who make their hair all spikey and stuff...i find them extremely scary!!:p
3) i'm not a for toota she is now i think she's turned into a vegan...if you ever want to annoy toota ask her to give you a ride to mcdonalds...and when your there order a JUICY BIG MAC yeaaah...then eat it infront of her and describe how juciy it is!!;p HAHAHA!!;P you should look at her face...
4) I'M obsessed with motorcycle, cars, playstation, wii, xbox, football-manchester, american dad, simpsons, family guy-stewie, scrubs, standup comedy and irmaya!!;p
5) even though i'm in my late 20's i still love the jonas brothers i think their songs are soo gayy...heyyy gay as in happy!!;p
7 years ago
2) 7ad omaaaaa LUCKY YOU
3) Vegii eeeeeeeh thats not food .
4) RESPECT to everything especially the MANUTD part ... bs the american dad 7ada boring didn't like it :s sorry
5) hahahahahaha thats nice
2)whhhy?!:P i thought everyone wants it the "love thing"?!;p
3)LOOOL!!:P i knoww...i don't know how she likes vegies!!;p
4)haha;p why i find it funny!!:P i once saw it episode after episode none-stop!!;p
5) what are you laughing about?!:P
3aloooya! You know what? Stewie is my favorite and I hate Peter Griffin and his fart, also I have a crush on Brian too but I will never date a dog, so Stewie is still my favourite and I love American dad too, Roger is the most annoying thing but I like him! Aha I can't stop talking about my favourite cartoons!
manchester united?! ur my kind of girl:D:D;p;p
kibartee fee 3anee!!:P we shar the same kinda things!!;**
7AAAARAAAM 3ALAAICH I LOVE PETER!!;P he is sooo funny hahha!!;p no i find brain queit annoying!!;p but stewie is soo cute and funny!!;p yeah rogar is annoying!!:P
aywaaaa 3ashaww moshj3een MANCHESTERR UNITEDD!!;P
2) trust me its not always " FUN " to be in love .....
5) cause i still watch boy meets world ..... oo thats not gay thats just mal KIDS .... and thats why am laughing :)
2)looks like someone has experience!!;p
5)OHHH I USED TO LOVEE THAT SHOW!!;P maaan i used to love Cory’s older brother, Eric!!;p he's soo funny!!:P
Goodmooooriniing ;p weeee lool it's 12:30 saaar masa'a elkhair looooool 3ashaaaat 3aloooyaaaaaa ;p
Ghal6anaa toota vegiii leeeesh a7laa shay meat! Allaah shtahait steak! Yummyyyy loool
Spikyy duude loool chenhoom aliens :O chethy radaar eli fog ras'hoom lool
Halllaaa hallaa ya 9abaaa7 alhanaaa :p
Enzain khosh damich waayed ma3a le playsstation okhoy tawa sharela ps3
I abi ashterela al3aab shinio ? :(
Ohwa sharela prince of persia o damik se7en mawjood mara w7da u recommend b3d :p
Yabee blu ray b3d :p
LOOOL... 3adee a7siiich '6aay3aa!!:P
LOOL!!;p 9a7 9ijaa wallah inty latshoofeen wayhee laman wa7id igaraib yamee walah laman yaboon they give you there number!!;p
ANA MA3NDEE PS3!!;P mas abee wa7daaaa!!;p oww ALLLLLLAAAAH BLUE RAAAAY!!;P i'm saving money for one!!;p inshallah inshallah i keep saving ow ma adfi3 3ala shay ma yiswa!!:P
Loooool yallaa eshteraay 3ashaan etgoolelee shayeeeb :p
Enta recommend yallaaaaa
Loooool anna agra awal sa6reen ba3deen I comment ba3deen akamel el baje looool
Juicyyy meeeeaaat abiiiiiiiiii !!! Bs al7een ga3da ashrab qahwa .. Wala khosh qahwa tabeen ?? ;p ana lil7eeni chay el tha7a taw elnas 3ala el ghada we'll meat .m el jaw badee3 ya 3aloooya ;p
O ba3deen la7tha la7tha laish 7asait ur the girlyy type s3 o doccer o madre shino :O laa laaa ya 3aloooya MOSH NAFE3 ;p looool
i used to play with my small cousin a game in playstation three laman atthkar agoolich!!:P
3allah 7asab shino noo3 il qahwa?!:P 3arbay itha ee wallah ma gool la2 LOOOL ay taw insa ana bat'3daa ba3d ishwaay!!:P
ayyyy girly type ana girly type waaynii ow waayn the girly type!!:P
Burnout: Paradise!!! 3athaaab it's amaazing!!;p...AWESOMEST GRAPHICS AND GAMEPLAY REALLY WORTH IT!
fee wa7da thanya ismha Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2<< LOOOL itha you love guns ma guns you would love to play this game!!:P
andd lbp little big planet!!:P
try them i really enjoy playing those games!!:P
looool !
i love the jonas brothers too ! hi5 girl ! =p espicially joe =p
zwena : what is the question ?? And what am I recommened for ??
i would like to try being a vegetarian for 2 weeks, a7is it's so cool, but i know i wouldn't survive
as the song goes 'love will come through, it's just waiting for you'
you never know, someday you might fall deeeeeply and madly in love with someone ;)
libero anima
LOOOL IF I EVER want to have a bf like a boy friend and think about them i would want them all not just one!!;p LOOOL...I'M NOT A PLAYER!!;P i think they make a great team!!;p
S E 7 E N
i don't where she went she was online...she was like since your into playstaion she wants you to recommend some games for ps3!!;p
LOOOL I CAN NEVER BE VEGETERAIN!!;P it's like being on a diet!!;p where the food all taste baad!!;p
well, i really don't want to experience it cause all i here is that it's the worst experience ever!!;p
oh ok .... sorry zwena i don't play or own a play station ... and if i played bil diwaniya all i play is football ... so sorry have no idea :s
i liked u until u mentioned ManU, this is an X
anyways welcome in your new blog :D
S E 7 E N
HAHAHA!!;P you sound like my brother!!:P about the dawinya thing!!:P
*shaking head in disgusted*
1. Good for u ;) its bad for who smokes lol
2. Fakka 3omrech .. plus i dont believe in something called LOVE :P
3. ma3teref ebhal vegi ppl :P LOL
4. Cool and am Cool :P most of the stuff i love ;P
5. am in my late 20's and i watch cartoons, al3ab bel za7lageya weya elyahal, atnajar ma3ahum 3ala elstickers LOL umm khalay elbajee mastoor LOL
4 !!!!!!!!!!!
aaah .. i LOVE cars and footy .. play ps3 alot .. not these days tho cause im watching Family guy min awila oo wi9alt season 6 now hehe ..
mmm what else nisait :P .. you are KooL !!! .. galatli toota muzain me and you nig3ad yimeee3 hahahaha
YOU TOOO!!;p i just finished watching the american daaad all over again and now i'm watch family guy!!;p but i'm in season 4 eposide 15 brain goes back to collage!!;p
LOOOOL DID TOOTA TALK ABOUT ME?!:p la feeha ba3d mo zain nig3ad together shinoo galatil anasaa tootaa?!;p
1.yeah i know
2. me neither
3. i do toota is veggi!!;p
4. really!!:P
5. HAAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA you know why i'm laughing cause i'm the same!!;p
why do toota smoke??
LOLZ @ jonas brothers yeh i knida like them too bss sometimes they get on my nerves
yeaah she does!!;p
yeaah they do sometimes!!;p
lol zain wala u didnt know what to write about wakhrat'ha u came up with this funny post ;p
thanx!!;p and welcome here!!;p
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