well today suck... why cause i just came back from my granny's house!! and i had a harsh day in work you know that presentation work and all!! it was simply boring!! anyways enough from the work cause i totally don't wanna talk about it!!
well, i know what you you guys are thinking about what happened to me and my granny well, first thanx to all you cause for persuding me to stay and talk to her and thank god to the work for pissing me off and yeah i almost forgot my ray and thanx for my ray too!!
anyways when i arrived i told my self that i could do it!! and when i opened the door my granny came running to me she was soo happy she was like "follow me follow me" i followed her to the kitchen and she was like "sooo did you come up with an answer" and i was like silient and silient..trying to take a deep breath....she was looking at me in a wierd look and said "it's oky it's oky i know that your shy!!" well she started to tell me how handsome the guy is and how she is soo happy and that she is gonna give me her jewlary to wear which was worn but her ancestors...and i stopped her i was like MAMAAAAAAA STOP STOP!!
she was like yeah... i told her i do not wanna get married!! weather you like it or not i am not gonna get married!! she started crying!!.....and crying....after a few words.....STILL CRYING!!...and she gave me a full lecture on how my mom told her to take care of me!! and that she is responsable of what i do till the day she dies!!...
well, at least i'm not gonna get married!!
i'm watching meet dave and it's changing my mood cause it's soo damn funny!!;p
here i wanna ask you guys a question from the movie....how do you feel love?!;p
ps: zwena i changed the color!!;p
7 years ago
well atleast ur not getting married so that is good......
And what is love?? Well to me love is everything more than u can imagine....its beautiful in its own way....its just there r very less people who understand it so it has lost its value. People watch movies n they think they know what love is but they dont!
yeaah i know she'll forget about it!!
yeah exactly...but the question was how does love feel? if i would answer this question it would be leaft as blank cause all i know that it's unexplanable!!;p
At least u cleared out your point.. and in the end its your life.. you should live it the way you want..
love sucks!
when you feel like shit, and you heart race like the speed of light when you see the one you like.. when you dont see anything bad in the one you like.. when you like that person inspite of how they treat you, love is a disease without a treatment yet.. the symptoms and signs are lot, and as a complication of this condition death my result :P
but still love feels so good and yet so bad.. it might be the best feeling ever and at the same time it might turn to be the worst experience ever..
need to clarified my point there :P
i <3 love.
it's the best feeling in the world...for me it's like you can't stop thinking about that person. it actually makes you feel happy about everything. you start acting nice toward everyone and everything. you feel absolutely beautiful...it's undescribable.
i think you should listen to your grandma...why not??
love is different for different person
Its sweet n sour :p
yah yah eee la7atht chethy zain negdar negra :P
thaaanks :)
enzain sij laish u dont get married? :P
hmm i dont :P sad mo :(
amu its not sweet n sour ,, its sweet n bitter :P
o lo etkamleen jemelich o etghayreen al background b3d akoo shakra :P etha mo kalafa 3alich :$
I agree with ZaMaHReeR, love is a disease indeed !
it is a double edged sword ! it can be a happiness portion yet it can also be a poison that destroys and kills u!!
so basically with love you can be the happiest person on earth and be a totally different person and as sadia said "you start acting nice toward everyone and everything. you feel absolutely beautiful" i agree.. and it let’s us see normal things in an extraordinary way.
but in a second it could go to the extreme opposite if something happened between u and ur other half !! ur life would be so dark and u'd turn into a hollow person.
love hurts A LOT specially if u were a very devoted, sincere and loyal to ur loved one.
it takes a great toll on u and ur life! so if it was all smooth it would be the best beautiful feeling in the world but once a huge negative flame occurs it makes u suffer, damages u, crush u into pieces, torture u and burn the hell out of u !
so yeah love can be life's greatest joy, yet the most enduring pain.
and as the Spanish proverb said:
Where there is love, there is pain.
p.s: im ready to go ahead and write without ending if u want more : P.. but i guess i already gave u headache reading my long comment :P
keep the background n keep the text....do all that makes u good :p
Zawe tara black loook kewllllllllllllllllll :)
ur grandma will get over it sooner or later
bs aham shay u dont take a step u dont want
so no Africa??? :/
ok well.. love is like diarehia! sorry but, thats how it feels to me.
zwenoo: ma tabeenha et`3ayyer her nickname ba3ad? ;p
7abibity,just do whatever you feel like you wanna do.I can feel how annoying it is to rush into a marriage which you are not prepare for it.You just tell your granny that you need time and its not the time yet.Of course she will cry coz she thought that you dont wanna get married forever!
About Meet Dave,i watch it in cinema and it was so so so funny,aliens learn to love.I love all Eddie Murphy movies!
looool ya3ni so'al ana al wa7eda ely al aswaad ga3ed e3awer 3yooni ?? 3ashaan etha ee akshef 3ala nafse akhaf feni al 3ela :P
Zwena: yes sadly u are the only one ;p you need to wear glasses that have a bulb on top of them to brighten your vision :D
ya because i had no choice if i didn't tell her now i would tell her later!!
i agree love does suck!!
wooow that was really true!!
you did clarified your point
yeah everyone has a diffrent piont of view of love you this that love is all about happiness!!
what do you want me to listen to my grandma are you crazy i don't wanna get married it's a big no no!!
yeah it is sweet and sour!!
everyone has it's own point of view of love ppl see it sour and some see it sweet like sadia!!
ee swata lich!!
because i don't want to get married!!
ow i'm not gonna change the background!!
yes it is a disease!!
NOO YOU DID NOT GIVE ME A HEADACHE!! that was awesome!! anynonymous who ever you are but i know that you are a great person indeed that was exactly what i wanted!! amazing!!
yaa amu tell her!!
i know she will but she's still not talking to me!!;p i'll buy her tamer and she'll get over it!!;\
no no africa!!;p
loooool...diarehia!!!;p HAHAHA!!;P
ee madree 3anha!!;p
yaa i should tell her that and by the way i love eddie murphy too!!
Thank u SO MUCH TOOTA .. ur words truly really meant a lot to me my dear :)
well i just poured to u what i felt in my heart after an very bitter experience that i went through and still going through indeed :)
ur welcome anytime hon!!
oh then i wish you goo luck!!
Thank u very much sweety.. and i really hope that no one goes through what im going through right now .. it is like watching ur self dieing while ur still alive !!
Have a nice weekend and plz ride safe :)
i mean, what's wrong with the guy your grandma wants to fix you with??
A7s eno they think when we get married enahom ra7 yrta7oon 2ao e7na bnrta7 and that we need a man blah blah
But wt they don't know eno by getting married all sides will be more misrable thatn b4
I don't know I just thinl that kl wa7d br7tah and marriage isn't and will never be the right salution
And love ... I kind don't believe in love. Ya3ni the whole lovey dovey romantic way
I believe in a parents love for their children and like that
But other than that I don't believe in romantic movie love
Its too over rated
But that's wt I think I might and maybe be wrong so u shouldt lsn to me :p
Anyhoo allah wafgk in ur life and hope wtever u do and choose u'll end up happy :)
he's strict and conservative i mean i have no problem with these kind of ppl but i know that if i got married to him he will make me quit drive and other stuff that i doo in daily bases and i don't want to change my life for a guy that i don't wanna get married and some other people deserve him more then i do!!
eee 7ADAA YIBTEEHA!!;P ohma yirt7oon ow i7na ni7tar!!
well i never got married ow i don't know if it's gonna be a misrable life or not bas when i get married i wish it's gonna be the right guy for me and he won't make me misrable!!
ee 7ada marriage is NOT A SOLUTION!!
yeah everyone has his or her point of view of love and you choose that love only occures with parents!!;p well it's a wise choice anyways thanx for the wish i'm really needing it now!!;p
whow LOL ! =p
hmm ..
love ..
loving someone makes u get a weired tingly feeling in ur tummy .. it might be annoying.. but u know it just happens when u see him or her..
u might feel blood rushing to ur brain once u see them.. and u suddenly feel like fainting from excitement .. ur face could hurt u from laughing all the time at what might to be jokes that are not funny at all .. but u cnt help urself .. everything around u suddenly fades when he or she talkes .. all u see is their lips moving .. and u just adore the way they move .. u aren't actually concenrating on what they're saying .. u just nod and smile ..
u wake up on the morning and they just pop into ur mind .. u cnt help urself .. u might feel like going back to sleep .. but u jump out of bed instead .. so u can go see them or talk to them ..
so that's what i've heard love does to u ..
i guess we'll never know until we experience it ourselves ..
LOOOOOOOOOL that was amazing and the butterflies in your tummy thing and you can't sleep thing and you adore his lips or her lips is sooooooo true!!;p
inshallah one day you will experience it!! and ma i7oshich the ugly love!!
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