after work i went to grannies house and she told me that she found a perfect guy for me and i told her that i didn't wanna get married!! cause i really do not wanna get marries to a guy that do not know me and certainly doesn't love me!! so i disagreed with her!! she told me that it's not up to me!! well it is!! but i didn't wanna "akser 5a6eer'ha" so i told that we'll talk about it later!!
so i am thinking of leaving the country for days!! until she forgets!!
WELL, amu you wanted some pics of my ride well her are some couple!!;p
me and my friend at work!!
at my granny's house!!
what do you think of my new pumped up wheeel looks!!;p
il fayeeeeer!! it's amazing!!
i got alot of pic i'll update later and this time it's gonna be in america if i go so i what do think should i go or or stay if stay what do i tell my granny!!
first thing: running away is not the solution u have to stay here face ur family and tell them what u want!!!!
Secondly: ur bike is beautiful mashallah, ride safe and name it bumble bee, suits the black n red.
n ya again dont go.....i hope ur family is not like the one that forces girls into marriage.
but amu i caaaan't it's my granny that we are talking about!! when she keeps something in mind she gotta do it what the hell am i suppost to tell her
are you sure bumble bee it sounds gay!!;p HAHA
i wish it a family it's only my granny if i lose her for this i'll lose her forever!!
your situation is complicated....i hope u find a way out :)
Name it Ray or Reo :p
thanx for the help anyway
i know it's complicated!! but i'm gonna try to talk to her through it!!
woooow i like Ray and Reo which one do u think looks better on it since i promised to agree on what you name it then what do think ray or reo!!;p
go for Ray :)
LOOL..i wanted ray too!!;)
wow .. ur bike looks beautiful .. wish me luck going to get mine soon ;)
btw im a girl as well : )
reaaaaaally best of luck!! amazing maybe you can join our group for a ride!!
Thank u thats so nice of u ;D ..
i agree with're gonna have to face her sooner or later =S
did i mention that your bikes is gorgeous btw? ;))
i know so you sujest that i face her and tell her the truth!! i don't know if i gut the guts to do that!!
really thaanx!! it's called raay now;p
glad u liked the name
:p be careful on the road....
yaa sure you take care too!!
ana abee asoog sekaal :(
looool hach malee bas rideelya!!;p haha
running away is not the answer you know ..
even if you left for few days she will talk to you again and again when you come back .. so what will you do next ? run again ?
try to find a solution that make you and your granny happy ;)
btw .. cool bike ;D
be safe ~
ma3arf :( redfeni :P
btw le grey 7ada mo eye friendly :/ ghaseb ga3da agra al 7ache
LOVE ur bike mashaaalla :D
ana agool safraaaaaaaaay, roo7ay Africaaaaaaaa, Maltaaaaaa, somewhere different.. go goooo :p
yadetech yomain o tensa..
zwenoo etha erdeftech bet6e7een men awal 5 seconds loool
I agree with amu.. running away isn't a solution.. ya3ni enshallah kil mara tefta7 hal maw'9oo3 betsafreen?? :P
u should sit down and talk to her.. lakin still entay akhbar bil wa'93 and in the end its up to u :)
Ray looks cool.. stay safe :D
Tell her that you don't want an arranged marriage. I hate it so much! Damn how could i marry to someone i have never meet before in my life.Run, run, run far far far away,save your life!
PS Can i say that im in love with your bike?
hmmzzz ..
well, if u ask about my opinion ..
first try to go along with ur granny .. hear what she has to say..
then try to persuade her and show her about ur point of view .. speak out..
and if she's the 3aneeda type and wnt be affected by anything u r saying, then i think u should see the guy.. let him come to a dinner to ur house with ur family ..
u might be surprised and actually like him..
then after all this if u wanna go away to think about everything, then y not travel or something .. or a trip to the Br is really mind opening .. connecting with nature and all ..
w sry lani 6awalt ><
Ðark D.
i'm not goona run away and thanx i3yoonich ily 7ilwa!!;p
yallah hop in
btw i changed the color on the new post!!
LOOOOOOL...THAAAAANX!! i'm afraid that's not gonna happen but about the zwena thing why will she fall the first 5 min!!;p
lool i'm not gonna leave;p..oh heey you said ray!!;p
loool i'm afraid i can't doo that!!;p
yesss hehe btw it's called ray!!
libero anima
noo waaaaaaaay i would never meet the guy!! cause he is not my type and would never wanna get married to a man that is not my type!!
so you've been told about him ?..
oh well then if he's not ur type then you can always refuse ??
libero anima
i did already!! read my new post!!;p
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